This site is archived.

Wondering what happened at DrupalCon DC? Or what you might have missed? Now the video of almost every session from the conference is embedded into this site and available to watch at no charge. The website is now an archive of the conference, so if you missed a session, missed the whole conference, or didn't even know what Drupal was until last week, you can still learn from the knowledge shared at DrupalCon.

This is great for anyone like me who couldn't go to all the sessions I wanted to at the conference. On Wednesday morning when I arrived at the Convention Center for the first full day of DrupalCon, I opened up the program booklet and noticed a huge problem. How would I split myself between Building APIs the Rock and What's New in Web Development? They were both slotted to run simultaneously at 9:00 that morning. I talked with several other people who had the same problem with sessions throughout the week. And this wasn't even the worst DrupalCon conundrum... For me, DrupalCon was in the same city as Development Seed's headquarters and it was easy for me to be there. What about all those people who couldn't even make it to the conference?

Videos! Nearly all of the DrupalCon DC sessions were recorded and were online before many attendees returned home. Now that DrupalCon's over (until Paris, that is), we wanted this website to serve as a timeless resource for everyone in the community. We just finished reworking the DrupalCon DC website to make it easy to find all of the videos.

You can browse over 100 sessions by topic, or start with the original schedule and find the video you want that way. Thanks again to the team who worked on recording all of these sessions and getting them online so quickly! It should make this site an incredible resource for the community for a long time to come.


Honestly you guys have done a fantastic job from beginning to end with the site and making everything available to us the end-users :)

Thanks for all the hard work,

This is a great new feature for the site. I know I'll definitely be making use of this as I continue to catch up on sessions that I couldn't make it to during the conference. Thanks for your time on this Ian!