Vote for the DrupalCon DC T-Shirt You Want to Wear
Have you voted yet for the DrupalCon DC t-shirt design you want to win? A DrupalCon tradition is to give a t-shirt to every attendee, and you have a say in which shirt gets printed. So head on over to the t-shirt contest, pick which shirt you want, and cast your vote. Here's a look at the top submissions so far:
We've received some great submissions with designs ranging from alien to puns to patriotic, to name just a few. We'll be wrapping up the contest in the next few days, so hurry up and vote!
Note: We know that this t-shirt design's votes are fishy - it received 75+ of its votes within seconds of being posted and all but a handful of all of its votes came from users who aren't registered for the conference. So, know we're paying attention to this.