Check Out the Official DrupalCon DC T-Shirt Design
There were many creative, attractive, and downright funny designs entered in the DrupalCon DC t-shirt contest - which selects the t-shirt that every person who comes to DrupalCon will receive. In all we received 67 designs, and if you haven't checked them out yet we highly recommend that you do. With DrupalCon DC fast approaching, it's time to announce the winner.
A big congratulations and a thank you to Kris Robinson, the designer of this shirt.
The winning t-shirt was selected based on the amount of votes of people registered for DrupalCon. We did this to ensure an accurate vote count, and it turned out that the same design won both that count and the one open to anyone with a user account. Congratulations again Kris.
We also wanted to use the t-shirt contest to determine the shirt staff (i.e. volunteers) at DrupalCon DC will get as a thank you for their work making the conference happen. The second place t-shirt, based on the votes of people registered for DrupalCon, is the DC Takeover by Nick Greenup, and this will be our official staff shirt.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a design in the t-shirt contest! If you're design wasn't selected, please consider posting it to Cafe Press or a similar site so all your fans can still get your t-shirt.