Lots of BoFs Happening Today
There are a ton of birds of a feather sessions happening today on some really interesting topics.

If you don't want to squint to make out that image, there's a list below of all these BoFs going on. For times and locations, check out the BoF board by the registration table. If you'd like to organize a BoF, there's still room on the schedule for sessions today and tomorrow, so head over to the board and set one up!
- Running A Drupal Shop
- Cool Sun Stuff
- Education Site Demo
- Drupal.org Redesign
- Apache SOLR
- Road Map
- Accessibility Rights & Wrongs
- Public Media Geek Squad
- Drupal For Facebook
- Ubercart Q&A
- Handlers
- Battle Plans
- Geospatial Solutions
- OpenSource Video
- User Relationships
- Usability
- Rules, Options and the Future
- Version Control API
- Aggregation
- Project Management w/ CCK Views and OG
- File Framework
- Highly Scalable Aggregration Systems
- CHURCH Websters w/ Drupal
- Display Names
- Accessibility
- Ubercart & Church Solutions
- Drupal for Entrepreneurs
- Zen Theme
- Design: Themeing Out of the Box
- Foss Tools
- Non-Profit Show & Tell
- Beautifying Drupal Forms
- Sustainable Themeing
- Google Summer of Code
- Low Fidelity
- MS SQL + Drupal?
- Database Management
- MAD Camp
- Delpoy Module
- Test Sites
- Business Processes
- Build a Cluster
- Public Media
- Feature Building + Spaces
- QuickBooks Ubercart Integration
- Newspaper CMS Duplicating Efforts
- OpenSource + Government
- Drupal in the Real World
- Mobile Drupal
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