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There are lots of media solutions for Drupal. Media Mover offers a unique approach to handing rich media through a transformation system for transcoding and reuse on your site. Coupling Media Mover with FLV Media Player and a few related modules, you can quickly put together a system that provides end to end video services on your site. Users can upload almost any video format and get a flv file in a flash player on the other end. Media Mover's extensibility allows integration with mail, ftp, and even Amazon's S3 service. The goal of this session is to provide site admins with more information and options of how to integrate rich media solutions into their sites and will build several configurations to demonstrate functionality.


Sounds great - I'll be there!

I also created a session for this, but this BoF would be more hands on then the session.

There are loads of video-related things happening at DrupalCon. I posted a full list on the Drupal Video group.