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The Drupal Association is nonprofit organization that provides support for the Drupal community via events such as Drupalcon, marketing of Drupal, and support for In this session members of the Association will talk about the progress it has made to support the Drupal project and discuss what areas it will take on in the future.


Dries Butaert and other permanent members in attendance.


  • Drupal Trademark
  • upgrade and infrastructure
  • Drupal redesign
  • DA Election results
  • Drupal marketing
  • Drupal local events
  • Drupal development and
  • Business development


The goal of this session is for the association to explain the progress it has made in supporting the Drupal project through infrastructure, legal protection, marketing such as events, and business development. The association will explain it's role in the community and how it prioritizes it's efforts.


Dries Butaert, Jacob Redding, Angie Byron, Tiffany Farriss,
Larry Garfield, Cary Gordon, Kieran Lal, and other permanent members
in attendance.