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We all LOVE Views, but one thing that is not easy to do with Views is to present results in the form of charts and graphs. Have you ever wanted to show a pie-chart of most common terms in your system? How about designing a multi-part report like the "big boys" do with just couple of clicks?

This presentation will talk about designing professional reports in Drupal using Views. The modules showcased in the presentation are authored by the presenters.


Frank Febbraro
Irakli Nadareishvili


  • Why Views Rocks
  • What's Missing From Views? Graphs and Charts
  • Your first Chart with Views
  • Multi-part reports
  • Drupal - a platform for professional business reporting.


Showcase the extensive possibilities of building professional-grade reports in Drupal and get the momentum going


The only thing you need when you attend this session is to be "dying" to get some cool charts and graphs on your Drupal sites and not spend hours on what could be done with a click of mouse.

About the Speakers

Frank Febbraro (CTO, Phase2 Technology) and Irakli Nadareishvili (Software Architect, Phase2 Technology) are veterans of Drupal, with a long list of contributed modules and dozens of high-traffic Drupal websites behind the belt. All their Drupal work comes from actual client work. As such it is geared exclusively towards providing tools that ease the development of Drupal-based web solutions and enrich the feature-set available when using Drupal.


Presentation is now online on SlideShare:
(Please make sure that you turn on the "Notes on Slide" tab, since the actual slides have almost no text).

Modules covered in the presentation:


Recorded by: Prameya Bhandari

NOTE: The audio on this video is particularly distorted and completely drops out from 00:01:30 to 00:02:30.

1) I had to miss this session, but will you be posting a powerpoint? 2) How would one integrate daily or weekly emails that send out the report to subscribers?

Posted the link to presentation. You can run and render a view from code, get the HTML of the rendered HTML and e-mail it. You will have to deal with the problems of the e-mail being HTML with embeded Flash object on top of everything, though. E-mail clients are pretty restrictive. If you can, it's probably a better idea to send out a link to the graph that they can open in a full-featured browser?

It would be great if you let us know how it went, if you manage to get it working.


Have my fingers crossed. Hope to drill down a cube . See you there ! - IB

Views + Charts API = Awesomeness
I'll see you there!

seriously, if you can pull this one off, then drupal can get some serious coverage. Although, reporting can get pretty nasty and notorious with multiple data to be gathered. Just to throw some idea a report for ecommerce conversion could look like the following:

number of sales, items shipped,item ids with respect to number of views,where the visitor came from,what was his original query etc

Tax 2009


I had no idea this was even remotely possible using views. I'm very interested in what it takes to accomplish this and see the community catch the vision of the possibility. This would be great!