This site is archived.

Do you do Drupal for non-profits or community organizations? Have ideas, advice, or questions for how Drupal can help these groups advance their missions, keep in touch with their constituencies and allies, raise money, and engage more people in their work? Want to make connections with other like-minded folks doing similar work?

Come to the Non-Profit & Community Organizing Meetup at lunch on Thursday (12:30pm.) We are now meeting in room 140A, NOT in the cafeteria, so grab your lunch and come on up! Tweet @palantetech, @pearlbear, or @rootwork w/ questions or if you can't find us.


Thanks for attending, folks! Here's the URL for signing up to receive everyone's contact info or getting on the up and coming np/community organizing Drupaler list:

There will be a followup nonprofit case studies/showcase BoF during lunch on Friday in room 156. More information here.