This site is archived.

why is it randomized and then has several pages? It's happened that a profile shows up on both pages, then others are not showing up at all!

Seems the search function is not 100% either.


Good point

I switched the attendee list order to the creation date of the profile node, newest profiles first.

Yeah the search seems a bit dodgy.

I can find myself if I search for 'jbrown' or 'brown', but to find morten, I have to search for ''. Just 'morten' doesn't work.

Minor complaint. This site is really fantastic!

You know, that dropdown box next to the search button.

Can you flush its cache, or something? There's stale descriptions in there.
(I am responsible for making the long description near the bottom of the list, and changing that 3 times. That's just my character ;-) Now it's in there 3 times and I also see other stale entries in the list.)

P.S.: Indeed ; different issue from the other comments; same site section as topic title though.