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What do Fast Company, The Big Money, The Onion, Lifetime Television, SonyBMG,,, and NowPublic have in common?

All are popular sites, some with traffic of a million or more pageviews a day. But there's more.

They all run on Drupal.

Some people still ask if Drupal can scale. We say, "It's not a question of IF, but HOW".

Come and hear how we scale sites like,, and


Thomas Wysocki


In this session, we will walk you through the techniques and approaches that we have found to be most effective in scaling high-traffic Drupal websites. Techniques range from implementing common tools to multi-layered caching systems.

The topics we'll cover include:

  1. What are the common problems plaguing heavily trafficked Drupal sites?
  2. How can you prevent issues from surfacing in the first place?
  3. How do you diagnose and eliminate any bottlenecks that do occur?

Here's a sneak peek at some of the techniques we'll show you:

  1. Using memcache to improve cache performance
  2. Leveraging tools to trap database bottlenecks
  3. Optimizing queries and properly indexing for better database efficiency
  4. Conducting load test to identify bloated request
  5. Using jQuery to prevent excessive server loads from ever causing a problem

Finally, we'll moderate a closing discussion about your challenges and successes with scaling Drupal websites.

Come join us and explore the myriad ways you can scale your Drupal site!


Provide you with an overview of the challenges of high-traffic Drupal sites and the tools and techniques available to meet them


Could you address how you interface with your Admin when you have millions of one content type? Or is there a better way to handle millions of records in Drupal (e.g., hacking up your content viewer, or using a third party application)? Looking forward to your presentation!! ;)

Q: will this talk discuss any of: reverse proxies, content delivery networks, cloud computing vs. clustering, load balancing, or monitoring strategies?