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I'd like to get together with people who have a stake in aggregation in Drupal- no matter whether you use Aggregator, SimpleFeed, Aggregator 2, Leech, Aggregation or FeedAPI.

Currently there is a lot of work going into Drupal's core aggregator. The goal is to make Aggregator extensible so that contrib modules can build on top of it instead of replacing it.

I'm planning on giving an overview of the new Aggregator API and explain where FeedAPI's headed for 7. Aggregator work for Drupal 7 won't be finalized by DrupalCon, so there is an opportunity to shape the direction where it's going.

I'd also be interested in other aspects of the topic "Aggregation in Drupal", please post your specific requests here.

I will publish the exact date and time of the BoF as soon as possible once the conference begins.


I will post agenda items to this comment thread as they come up.

  • Improve Feed Element Mapper UI (as per IRC conversation neclimdul/alex_b) - this is a tangent, we should only talk about this briefly and break it out of the actual BoF.

I'm interested in coming to this.

I used the feedapi_mapper features of my OpenPackage Video module for CapitolHub. It aggregates videos from political feeds.

I'm interested. Subscribing

Haven't seen anything on the BOF boards... Hoping to in the morning but looking forward to this. Think I've got some neat ideas.

Aggregation BoF is definitely going to happen, trying to figure out time. Leaning towards Friday. Grab me on hallway if you see me.

Looking forward to talk.

I just got a BoF slot: tomorrow, Friday at 4.15 PM. Looking forward to see you.

Awesome, wrote it in on my schedule and I'll see you guys there.