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The Drupal community is large, diverse and extremely well organized. So organized in fact that many communities, camps, meetups, etc. have their own stickers, t-shirts, cycling jerseys, buttons, mittens, socks, or small militias* all emblazoned with the Drupal logo or name on them.

At a designated time, date and place we're all converge with extra schwag from our respective community and swap it with others. Come with a cool set of NYC Drupal stickers and leave with a awesome button from Michigan. Bring extra shirts from your last Drupalcamp and leave with a pair of awesome Drupal socks.

If you've created Drupal schwag for your community, meetup, camp, or even company bring it to the Drupal Schwag Swap!

(*Drupal militias for illustrative purposes only, militias can not be swapped)


...will already be in your swag bags. Stickers galore!

ill bring some jack Drupal, the "translate this" & Dont hack Core tshirts.
I have to check how much crap i can have with me from the kingdom.

I would love to participate in order to aquire swag for upcoming PodCamp Nashville where we will be evangelizing Drupal to the Nashville Music/Blogger/Podcaster scene!

We're going to meetup on Thursday right after lunch... maybe slightly during.

12:00 until 1ish.. Look at the BoF Board for the location.