Konstantin Käfer

Konstantin started his adventures into Web development in 1999. In high school, he led the Web development and school Web site class for several years. While still in high school, he also participated in Google’s Summer of Code 2006, doing usability enhancements for the Drupal project. In the Drupal community, he is widely known for his JavaScript skills. Konstantin has been a speaker at several DrupalCons and other Open Source conferences. He is currently studying IT Systems at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Sofware Engineering in Potsdam, Germany. He also works as a consultant for NowPublic, a large citizen journalism Web site based on Drupal. He also recently wrote a book together with Emma Jane Hogbin about front end development in Drupal, called "Front End Drupal" He can be found blogging on http://kkaefer.com about design, Web development, and Drupal.