Emma Jane Hogbin

My name is Emma Jane Hogbin. I live and work in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada. It's a small town surrounded by small farms (cattle, crops and sheep) about a three hour drive from Toronto. I make Drupal work for on-line communities, small businesses and not-for-profit organizations and am the co-author of an upcoming book on Drupal theming (Front End Drupal). I am the founder of the community consultancy, and rural technology conference, HICK Tech (www.hicktech.com). Within the Drupal community I am probably best known for having knit The Drupal Socks (now walkah's socks). No, I won't knit you a pair (unless you want to do 20 hours of coding as a barter), but I will teach you to knit if you come to the BoF Crafty Drupal session! A more detailed bio is available from www.emmajane.net/about