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This session for users of Drupal for Facebook,, or those who are curious about it. I will try to schedule this BoF sometime after it's companion session (which may or may not make the official schedule; vote in favor if you are interested). At the session, I'll be doing most of the talking. At this BoF, I plan to answer questions and let others share their tips and tricks.

Configuring a Facebook Application can be tricky, compared to other Drupal configuration. It requires coordinated settings on both your Drupal site and on Facebook. When things go wrong, it can be difficult to troubleshoot. So, if you have a specific problem I'll help get to the bottom of it. If you're new to Drupal for Facebook this BoF will give you a jump start.

So bring you're laptop, with access to your server running Drupal. During this hour you can roll up your sleeves and build your first Facebook Application.

1 Comment

Oops I posted about this twice. See this post: