Midwest Drupalers
Indianapolis has been pretty fresh in it's involvement in the Drupal community. I think a BOF would be cool for the Midwest area, where Drupalers from 'nearby' can get together and get to know each other. The Indy Drupal Members had a great time meeting up with people at the Drupal Camp in Chicago and it helped in even finding people in our own area that didn't know we existed. It would be great to further extend our connections. If you are in the Midwest area, and would like to meet and network with others nearby or find out what type of communities are around you, stop by!
I'm in
I'll be there!
If the BoF is open to
If the BoF is open to non-Dudenhofers, you can count on me.
open to all
ha ha, I'm pretty sure it'd be just the 2 if that were the case. And we already have the Dudenhofer BoF every holiday, so that wouldn't be quite as cool as this one.
I'll be there, representing
I'll be there, representing the Twin Cities! ;)
def. down to represent
def. down to represent Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
In Boston
We got together for dinner one night...
I'd highly enjoy continuing the tradition! Anyone else up for a MidWest drupal dinner?
Sounds great
I think dinner would be great for this BoF. I can do some research, but I'm not so familiar with the area. So, I'm open to suggestions on the location.
How far West do you include MidWest?
coming in from South Dakota, and since nearly 80% of our state economy is agriculture, I'd consider myself a "MidWesterner"... if I can still fit in here I'd love to get together and meet others in the area. I know some of my friends/co-workers from Kansas City area are also coming in as well, so I'll be sure to let them know.
Hey - if expats are allowed,
Hey - if expats are allowed, I'm all for it. (Originally from WI, lived in IL for 8 years, now in NYC.) ;)
I'm in. Dinner with Midwestern Portions
John Barclay, Champaign, Illinois
Another Expat (cheesehead!)
Grew up outside of Green Bay, lived near Indy for 12 years, been out here by DC for the last 8.
what about we all meet up during lunch tomorrow?
sounds good
any general location to find a table? (toward back of room) - I just saw your name and realiized I just sat next to you in the keynote .
Midwest Drupaler Lunch?
Everyone Game to get together during lunch tomorrow? (Thursday?) I could see if the BOF rooms are available at that time to bring the food back, or we could grab up a few tables in the lunch room.
Yeah, Head to the Back Right corner of the lunch hall.... Didn't see the updates from earlier when I posted ^
I'll try to get there early and make sure we're represented. This way we won't miss any of our valuable sessions ;)
See you guys then!
Sounds great!
I'll be there representing America's High Five.
The BoF was posted on the BoF Board as the Drupal User Group Leaders - still serves the purpose of the bof, so no worries. Just to settle any confusion - still back right of lunch room.
see you all at lunch, w00t!