Robin Barre
An experienced web developer, Robin Barre is a linux chick with top notch engineering skills. She has been providing web services as a PHP developer including full web applications, content specific search engines, and content management systems.
With Drupal and CivicActions, Robin is a Technical Lead and Engineer. She has led projects like the Berkeley Journalism School's OpenToSolutions which focuses on local neighborhood violence and Architecture for Humanity's Open Architecture Network. She also led one of the fastest turnaround projects for CivicActions: MeNotMeth. MeNotMeth is a state of California campaign discouraging methamphetamine use. Robin continues working as a Lead Engineer for The HUB, a project for the human rights organization WITNESS.
Robin contributes patches and modules to the Drupal community, and she participates in her local Drupal User Group in Seattle. Helping to organize DrupalCamps in Seattle is another way Robin contributes.