John Lucas

Software architect.
John is a thinker. Found more often than not staring intently at his screen, chin-on-fist, deciphering the activity patterns of users and how best to get them to stay on a page. John is at heart a problem solver - his education and a work focus have been on making user interfaces work. And to make them work well.
John's work with opensource started in 3D environments using X3D, the ISO 3D graphics standard, and simple virtual environments during his graduate work and has been at least partially opensource since. Since joining Openband, John has been one of our leading interface architects. His abilities stretch to not only improving users' experiences but devleoping solutions to information sharing problems as well. Another facet to our growing diversity of engineers and developers, John's ability to provide insight on a product's audience makes sure the user doesn't get lost in the pursuit for efficient and elegant back-end design.
And he is a true Washingtonian; John claims to look forward to his daily commute, even in the DC traffic. He's excited for DrupalCon and the chance to gather with the community and share in the knowledge that comes with opensource and Drupal. He also enjoys woodworking, for the same reason he (and many of us) enjoy programming: " may look like a big mess in development, but it can all come together beautifully in the end."