Adam Shore

I run a development shop in Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada. We specialize in Drupal. Coming from a long and sometimes painful pre-existence in the world of Windows Development for 13 years, I wanted to take a step back, see what is going on and dive in to web technology in the open source world. I found Drupal and haven't turned back.
I'm coming to the conference to meet fellow Drupallers, possibly find some people to connect and partner with on some larger projects and have a good time. There are some amazing speakers and presentations to check out. I haven't been this excited about technology in a long time.
I would like to learn lots about GMap stuff, Ubercart, Views/Views Arguments, Custom Module Dev, what environments people are using to develop in - etc...
Outside of the conference, I plan on checking out some of the local attractions and smithsonians, taking in some jazz and maybe finding some of these shwanky 2nd hand high end clothing shops.
We're staying at the Confort Inn right around the corner from the conference, so we hope not to miss too many extra curricular activities!
I want my brain to hurt when I come home.
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