Aaron Winborn

Aaron Winborn is the author of Drupal Multimedia, and a developer for Advomatic, where he has helped to develop such sites as for Air America, Sony, Mozilla, and the New York Observer.
He is the creator and maintainer of several contributed modules, such as Embedded Media Field, jQuery Media, and Views Slideshow. He has also been active in core development, most recently advocating and contributing to efforts for better media support in Drupal 7, such as the hook_file patch and a jQuery plug-in/library registry.
He will be presenting a session about Drupal Multimedia at DrupalCon DC. He has presented variations of this topic at DrupalCon Boston 2008, and several camps, such as DrupalCampNYC, DrupalCampPhilly, and DrupalCampDenver. He will also have presented a session examining how he built a YouTube clone for Do It With Drupal.