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I'm interested in getting together with a group of folks who use and leverage Drupal to create new and innovative web sites. Not about sites created for other peoples' businesses, but sites created for the purpose of starting new businesses using Drupal as the platform of choice.

This would be a discussion of the business side of making business using Drupal. It happens every day and it would be great to share ideas and knowledge.


I've talked to Matt about this and encouraged him to post. I think a BoF that is essentially "Drupal for Startups" and/or "Drupal for Entrepreneurs" -- that talks about different opportunities around/with the Drupal platform would be great. Count me in...

Make it 3

Selecting Drupal to build my personal projects on, was a very important business decision for me 4 years ago. Today, I'm glad I did. Otherwise, running a couple of social networks (one with more than half a million registered members) would not have been possible for a single person.

I got some experience to share, but also some upcoming (growing) challenges like
- setting up a translation server and let the community do the translation: can I only dream of it, or could it be reality?
- challenges to make money beyond normal advertising, like monthly subscriptions etc
- scaling & performance issues for which I submitted a BoF proposal (

My main overall questions for this BoF would be
- where do you get your know-how from, technical, business, ...: what blogs, feeds (lets do some opml sharing)
- how do you make the following business decision: You want feature X, but there is no module for it yet. So build it yourself or wait for it knowing that you have limited time/resources. Tips & tricks
- as a (single) startup, how do you divide your time between operational tasks, development, events, ...
- what would be the ideal startup team to build a product on Drupal: of course, if depends on what you want to build, but I'm interested in all cases & experiences.

Besides the overall questions, I have more specific questions which are specific to my business and current startup situation but still connected with Drupal of course.

I would be interested in this. I stumbled upon Drupal about 1 1/2 years ago and realize more and more every day that Drupal was the best decision I ever made. I'm a part of a community of tech-based entrepreneurs in Philadelphia (Philly Startup Leaders), and I can't tell you how often Drupal comes up in conversation.

Toemaz had some great suggestions, and my questions build upon Toemaz's. I would be interested in discussing:
- Business decisions: You develop a module that adds a cool feature to Drupal. Should you commit it to CVS or not, and if so, will it take away from your bottom line?
- How do you manage your relationship with the Drupal community? Do you contribute a certain number of hours a month, a certain number of modules/profiles, etc.
- Do you tell your users or clients that you use Drupal?

Thanks, I think this could be a great discussion.

I've built two startups on top of Drupal and would be happy to discuss.

Would be a great discussion- count me in.


I talked with Boris and we would probably have this BoF session on Thursday in the afternoon. Check the Bof board.

Due to some sudden circumstances, I'm not able to make the conference on Thursday..... Any chance you could have the BoF on Friday?

I also talked to Boris today and I now forget if he had mentioned Thurs towards the end of the day or Friday. I want to say he had mentioned Friday. Either day will work for me.

Thanks for coming and chatting over the last couple of days. Turns out that I have Drupal Association meetings tomorrow (Thursday). So, let's look at end of day Friday.