Jeff Schuler

I see Drupal as not only a web framework for rapid development of highly functional sites, but a tool for community building and citizen empowerment -- both of which my fair city of Cleveland, Ohio, is in dire need of. Am I the sole representative of Cleveland at DrupalCon 2009?
My first foray into Drupal was helping with REALNEO -- a cooperatively run, community-owned news/anything site. I'm still working with that site, and have had the chance to administer quite a few other Drupal sites since then, and am not looking back. I left my job developing software for medical devices in August 2008, and am working my way toward doing Drupal full-time. I make sites for non-profits, for-profits, whoever -- especially those that work toward positive change in the environment, social justice, and education.
I'm likely traveling alone, and want to make as many meaningful and engaging acquaintances as I can at DrupalCon. Please ping me -- I'd love to meet up or say Hi!
Drupal Cleveland is a project of mine to try to grow the Drupal ecosystem here in CLE. I'll likely be twittering as both @DrupalCleveland and @JeffSchuler.