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Stephen Musgrave

Drupal site development consultant for non-profit, arts and progressive organizations. I work closely with marketing and strategic consultants and agencies who's clients need websites and extranets.

I have developed what I call "Capellic Drupal", an install of Drupal 6 which increases usability and flexibility and provides a more advanced starting point:

  • Starter theme which hides many of the confusing fields that are standard on node and block edit forms.
  • Menu system which is easy for non-technical staff to manage and without giving them access to the confusing menu administration screens.
  • Global Editor menu that is easy for non-technical staff to find and not mistake for other site content
  • Out-of-the-box Content Types and Views such as News, Blog, Events, Photo Gallery, Staff and more.

Capellic Drupal is quick to setup, reconfigure as creativity enters the development process.

I am looking for partnership opportunities.

Some of the sites I have built: (and 9 affiliate multi-sites)

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